Medical Office
Quickest, Highest & Best Service
Medical Office properties require an extra level of care and attention. We focus on providing the highest and fastest level of service possible for our medical properties. We understand that water, power, and HVAC issues can have massive implications for both the operation of business as well as the health and safety of its occupants. We can provide custom services, access arrangements, and health and safety checks to make sure everything run at the highest levels.
Below are just some of the services can we offer Medical Office Building Owners:
Tenant Build Outs, Recurring Preventative Maintenance, Access Control Systems, Generator Checks, HVAC Preventative Maintenance, Repairs and Installations (IAH), Air Quality Checks, Customized Sanitation, Roof Inspections, Lighting & Electrical Repairs, Plumbing Repairs, Minor Repairs, Capital Project Oversight, Efficiency Upgrades, Landscaping Upgrades, Pressure Washing, Portering, Window Cleaning
Current Medical Clients
We currently provide services to over half a million SF of medical offices across Florida, including surgery centers, family and dental practices, and numerous specialty practices. A few notable properties include:
- 801 N Orange Avenue – Orlando, FL
- Lake Mary Medical Complex – Lake Mary, FL
- Lincourt Medical – Clearwater, FL
- Pinnacle Point Medical Center – Palm Coast, FL
- Tenant Buildouts
- Recurring Preventative Maintenance
- Access Control Systems
- Generator Checks
- HVAC Preventative Maintenance, Repairs & Installations (IAH)
- Air Quality Checks
- Customized Sanitation
- Roof Inspections
- Lighting Repairs
- Plumbing Repairs
- Minor Repairs
- Capital Project Oversight
- Efficiency Upgrades
- Landscape Upgrades
- Pressure Washing
- Portering
- Window Cleaning